martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

The History of Wikipedia

Listen to the history of the creation of Wikipedia and answer the following questions. The narrator is one of the co-founders himself, Jimmy Wales.

      1)      What was the original encyclopedia called?

2)      Was it free?

3)      Was was the main problem with it?

4)      Why was Wiki, the new software platform they started using, so interesting?

 5)      How many languages does Wikipedia exist in?

6)      How many visitors does Wikipedia get every month?

7)      When was Wikipedia created?

8)      How many people have contributed to the contents of Wikipedia?

9)      How many edits are there in a month, for all the different versions of Wikipedia combined?

10)  Does the Wikipedia foundation control the editorial contents of the website?

11)  What is the role of the Foundation?

12)  What is Wikipedia’s new challenge?

13)  Who donates money to Wikipedia?

 14)  What negative aspect is mentioned?

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